Mercury is the smallest and closest planet to the Sun in the Solar System. Its orbit around the Sun takes 87.97 Earth days, the shortest of all the planets in the Solar System.
Mercury does not have any moons or rings.
Mercury is the smallest planet.
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun.
Your weight on Mercury would be 38% of your weight on Earth.
A day on the surface of Mercury lasts 176 Earth days.
A year on Mercury takes 88 Earth days.
It’s not known who discovered Mercury.
A year on Mercury is just 88 days long.
Mercury is the smallest planet in the Solar System.
Mercury is the second densest planet.
Mercury has wrinkles.
Mercury has a molten core.
Mercury is only the second hottest planet.
Mercury is the most cratered planet in the Solar System.
Only two spacecraft have ever visited Mercury.
Mercury is named for the Roman messenger to the gods.
Mercury has an atmosphere.